Lev Ilizirov









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Friends and acquaintances


The man on this picture has a huge collection of 2CV model cars. He had told me about it, but last week I finally got to see it with my own eyes. I could say that he has as many 2CV model cars as there are flower blossoms in the trees behind him, but that is probably not true. 
      This man and me are friends. At least I think we are, because we never declared our friendship for each other. Now I think of it, I actually cannot remember that I ever declared my friendship for anyone.
      I have seen people declare their love for each other and even their hate. But I have never seen two people declare their friendship for each other.
      Another thing I have never seen is two people officially ending their friendship. The reason for that is simple. Because when you end a relationship with somebody you can still offer that person “to remain friends.” With the termination of a friendship that is of course not possible .
      You could in such a case of course tell that person that, although you do not want to continue with your friendship, you see no reason why you couldn’t still be acquaintances of each other.
      But whereas the remark: “We can still be friends” already feels like a punch in the face, the remark: “We can still be acquainted” actually deserves a punch in the face.

Texts by Feiko Beckers


