Lev Ilizirov









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There are only two reasons why you would hold your drink with two hands: if you try to keep the drink from getting cold or if you simply want to warm your hands.
      Both reasons do not apply to this picture.
      If you look more carefully you can see that this drink is being held by two different hands. These hands are not holding the drink. Instead they are holding each other.
      I know a couple that is always holding hands. They never seem to let go of each other, I once even saw them paying in a hardware store hand in hand.
      Normally I do not mind if people hold hands. I think it is a nice way to show that you are together. But if I am with this couple and they are holding hands, it bothers me. Because although they are saying with it: ‘We are together’, they above all are saying: ‘He is not part of us.’
      Now I am not part of a lot things and I am at peace with that. Because there are also a lot of things I do not even want to be part of. For example I do not particularly like bowling, so I am not part of a bowling team. Still I never received a letter from a bowling team in which they explained me that I am not part of them. They would actually have a tough job if they had to send these kind of letters to all non-members.
      But when I am walking on the street with this couple and they are holding hands, it is like they are continuously sending me letters in which they explain I am not part of them.

Maybe that is the reason why the two people in this picture decided to combine the holding of hands with the holding of a glass. To make it less obvious. Less confronting.
      Thank you for that.

Texts by Feiko Beckers


